I m a g e s
More pictures from the trip around Sweden!
Me outside the Palm Dawn the final night Bus from Örebro Me on said bus
tree glass house in in Gothenburg to Lindesberg
More will come, be so sure.

Me outside the Palm Dawn the final night Bus from Örebro Me on said bus
tree glass house in in Gothenburg to Lindesberg
More will come, be so sure.
T e c h n o l o g i c
Spending my time at the office looking at graphic tablets, since my education requires one. They vary a lot in price range and it really is a jungle to find an objective opinion.
Something else that is hard to find is a place to stay. I need my own place when I study (or at least a room of my own). Looking at rooms in apartments and 1-room flats, and all one can do after mailing loads of people is to wait.
Today's songs:
Hello Saferide - Anna
Dizzee Rascal - That's not my name
Lily Allen - Oh my god
Ps. Don't miss the pretty bead stuff I did in Lindesberg, published on my creative blog! Ds.
Something else that is hard to find is a place to stay. I need my own place when I study (or at least a room of my own). Looking at rooms in apartments and 1-room flats, and all one can do after mailing loads of people is to wait.
Today's songs:
Hello Saferide - Anna
Dizzee Rascal - That's not my name
Lily Allen - Oh my god
Ps. Don't miss the pretty bead stuff I did in Lindesberg, published on my creative blog! Ds.
S e e d s
The phone actually just rang. But I'm not supposed to answer, so I didn't.
Things are exiting here.
Just played a little with the dymo, you know the thing where you type in your name and it prints it out like a sticker? Love those little machines.
In a little while Dida picks me up and then we're gonna meet up with a friend and make a pie or something. I feel like making something tasty. Apple pie is a bit average, I'm up for a challenge! A cheap challange preferably, though.
I heard that there's a group of people that plants fruit trees in public areas. Fruit tree activists. And sure enough, it took google only 0.46 seconds to find The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation. I must say that I find the idea simple but brilliant.
Cause just by planting seeds (from an apple or so) in a public park or green area, there is so much to gain:
1. A tree (any tree) absorbs carbondioxide, and creates oxygen. Win-win situation for the environment.
2. Fruit. It's good
3. And healthy.
4. And free.
5. And quite possibly organic.
6. Locally grown fruit/nuts/roots/vegetables doesn't need transportation. Even greener.
Truly win-win situation. So next time you're in a park eating a fruit, bury the remains under some soil. Or grow your own at home, it's more likely to be successful. At the moment my balcony is full of chilli, jalapeño and tomatoes. The tomato and melon plants in my room died in my absence but they're very easy to grow.
Waah soon I'm out of here!
Today's songs:
Two White Horses - The good times are gome forever
Röyksopp feat Lykke Li - Miss it so much

Ps. Fruit trees usually comes with pretty flowers aswell. Ds.
Things are exiting here.
Just played a little with the dymo, you know the thing where you type in your name and it prints it out like a sticker? Love those little machines.
In a little while Dida picks me up and then we're gonna meet up with a friend and make a pie or something. I feel like making something tasty. Apple pie is a bit average, I'm up for a challenge! A cheap challange preferably, though.
I heard that there's a group of people that plants fruit trees in public areas. Fruit tree activists. And sure enough, it took google only 0.46 seconds to find The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation. I must say that I find the idea simple but brilliant.
Cause just by planting seeds (from an apple or so) in a public park or green area, there is so much to gain:
1. A tree (any tree) absorbs carbondioxide, and creates oxygen. Win-win situation for the environment.
2. Fruit. It's good
3. And healthy.
4. And free.
5. And quite possibly organic.
6. Locally grown fruit/nuts/roots/vegetables doesn't need transportation. Even greener.
Truly win-win situation. So next time you're in a park eating a fruit, bury the remains under some soil. Or grow your own at home, it's more likely to be successful. At the moment my balcony is full of chilli, jalapeño and tomatoes. The tomato and melon plants in my room died in my absence but they're very easy to grow.
Waah soon I'm out of here!
Today's songs:
Two White Horses - The good times are gome forever
Röyksopp feat Lykke Li - Miss it so much

Ps. Fruit trees usually comes with pretty flowers aswell. Ds.
I r o n y
I got 4 phones standing on my desk
and I'm not supposed to be answering either of them
cause no one is supposed to call.
I'm checking my email, my blog and concept art forums.
And I failed signing in on CSN (where you apply for school money).
And the radio is on.
I think I'm gonna go get some carbonated water and fruit.
My life is so hard.
Unbearable regards,
CEO of Irony and Organisation
Emo United Corp.

Today's songs:
Teddybears - Get mama a house
Röyksopp - The Girl and the Robot
and I'm not supposed to be answering either of them
cause no one is supposed to call.
I'm checking my email, my blog and concept art forums.
And I failed signing in on CSN (where you apply for school money).
And the radio is on.
I think I'm gonna go get some carbonated water and fruit.
My life is so hard.
Unbearable regards,
CEO of Irony and Organisation
Emo United Corp.

This is how I feel at my job.
Today's songs:
Teddybears - Get mama a house
Röyksopp - The Girl and the Robot
R o a d t r i p p i n g
I'm actually blogging from a bus!
Swebus Express has free wireless internet on their busses nowadays, and people like me and Diederik appreciate that alot. We are currently on our way to Malmö, unfortunately the bus was the cheapest, and it takes about EIGHT AND A HALF HOUR.
Notice how I didn't write hours?
In Sweden the correct way of expressing those words is "x och en halv timme", x and a half hour. The same goes with all other examples, two and a half soda. I am quite convinved the same rules apply in english. But still we get the american show called Two and a half men. The accurate name would be Two and a half man. There's x amount and than a half, a meaning one, as in one man.
This could of course be ironically meant, but considering how many peeople I've argued and discussed this with, a great deal of people say that the original title is correct.
This has bugged me for about two years now.
Yours truly,
Officer of Spelling Department,

Swebus Express has free wireless internet on their busses nowadays, and people like me and Diederik appreciate that alot. We are currently on our way to Malmö, unfortunately the bus was the cheapest, and it takes about EIGHT AND A HALF HOUR.
Notice how I didn't write hours?
In Sweden the correct way of expressing those words is "x och en halv timme", x and a half hour. The same goes with all other examples, two and a half soda. I am quite convinved the same rules apply in english. But still we get the american show called Two and a half men. The accurate name would be Two and a half man. There's x amount and than a half, a meaning one, as in one man.
This could of course be ironically meant, but considering how many peeople I've argued and discussed this with, a great deal of people say that the original title is correct.
This has bugged me for about two years now.
Yours truly,
Officer of Spelling Department,

Today's song:
Jenny Wilson - Summer time the roughest time
Jenny Wilson - Wooden chair
Jenny Wilson - Summer time the roughest time
Jenny Wilson - Wooden chair
D e s i r e d
Finally access to infinite internet!!!!!
Well not really infinite, grandma's internet is not really gaming speed. But such a lovely thing. I am really an internet addict if you haven't noticed already. So much information at the tips of my fingers!
But yeah, this is what we've been up to, me and Diederik: In Lindesberg we spent alot of money but we're not sure on what. We swam in the lake, we went fishing with my entire (male) side of my mom's family, we shared a pizza by the river, made patterns with beads, we went to the pub with my cousin and his friends, we went to Mora (and there we bought loads of stuff) and we cooked our symbol dish (pasta, pesto & chicken) for my grandparents (their praising would never stop ^^).
Now we're in Stockholm, at my other grandma's place, we arrived yesterday, early. Diederik sat with the computer all day and I sat with my current book all day. Among the stuff we bought in Mora, I purchased the sequel to an amazing book. I don't want to recommend the books to anyone but those that feel they are a bit like me. I don't know who or how many that likes them, because they feel tailor fit to me. I have been waiting for so long for this sequel and I'm reading it in english (the covers are much more beautiful in the original language and I simply can't wait for the translated version).
The books are called The Glassbooks of the Dreameaters and The Dark Volume, by Gordon W. Dahlquist. I think a third and final book is coming too. They are dark, taking place in a Victorian fictious England, a bit of steampunk, a bit of philosophy, good and evil. But the three main characters are amazing. Not very surprising I mainly recognize myself in the fierce Miss Temple, rich and spoiled, but later on experienced and pondering much of what makes a woman respectable and noble. She turns into everything she always looked down on, but still remains her true self. The other two, a battered assassin called Cardinal Chang and the german doctor Svenson are both intriguing, complexed figures. And of course there's a great MYSTERY and a conspiration. Great stuff.
While I'm at it, i should recommend another triology, the books about Abarat, by Clive Barker. All three are out in english, but I'm not sure if the last one is translated yet. They are a darker, deeper and more believable Narnia. The human child, deliberately leaving this world for another, where unbelievable creatures live and fight for the good and the bad. Once again, good characters and a plot that makes you turn page after page.
But before this turns into a massive book review, here is pictures of recent events.

outfit in Malmö picnic in the gutter + hedgehog!!! kittens in gothenborg!!!
in Helsingborg
fraternity house and sleeping kittens!!! creepy figures outside a
dangerous games library, don't read books!

weird skies over chalmers
More pictures will come when my grandma's internet has recovered from this long post. I hope you have a good summer.
PS. I bought new sneakers and a phone since both mentioned died. Same number though. DS.
Well not really infinite, grandma's internet is not really gaming speed. But such a lovely thing. I am really an internet addict if you haven't noticed already. So much information at the tips of my fingers!
But yeah, this is what we've been up to, me and Diederik: In Lindesberg we spent alot of money but we're not sure on what. We swam in the lake, we went fishing with my entire (male) side of my mom's family, we shared a pizza by the river, made patterns with beads, we went to the pub with my cousin and his friends, we went to Mora (and there we bought loads of stuff) and we cooked our symbol dish (pasta, pesto & chicken) for my grandparents (their praising would never stop ^^).
Now we're in Stockholm, at my other grandma's place, we arrived yesterday, early. Diederik sat with the computer all day and I sat with my current book all day. Among the stuff we bought in Mora, I purchased the sequel to an amazing book. I don't want to recommend the books to anyone but those that feel they are a bit like me. I don't know who or how many that likes them, because they feel tailor fit to me. I have been waiting for so long for this sequel and I'm reading it in english (the covers are much more beautiful in the original language and I simply can't wait for the translated version).
The books are called The Glassbooks of the Dreameaters and The Dark Volume, by Gordon W. Dahlquist. I think a third and final book is coming too. They are dark, taking place in a Victorian fictious England, a bit of steampunk, a bit of philosophy, good and evil. But the three main characters are amazing. Not very surprising I mainly recognize myself in the fierce Miss Temple, rich and spoiled, but later on experienced and pondering much of what makes a woman respectable and noble. She turns into everything she always looked down on, but still remains her true self. The other two, a battered assassin called Cardinal Chang and the german doctor Svenson are both intriguing, complexed figures. And of course there's a great MYSTERY and a conspiration. Great stuff.
While I'm at it, i should recommend another triology, the books about Abarat, by Clive Barker. All three are out in english, but I'm not sure if the last one is translated yet. They are a darker, deeper and more believable Narnia. The human child, deliberately leaving this world for another, where unbelievable creatures live and fight for the good and the bad. Once again, good characters and a plot that makes you turn page after page.
But before this turns into a massive book review, here is pictures of recent events.

outfit in Malmö picnic in the gutter + hedgehog!!! kittens in gothenborg!!!
in Helsingborg

fraternity house and sleeping kittens!!! creepy figures outside a
dangerous games library, don't read books!

weird skies over chalmers
More pictures will come when my grandma's internet has recovered from this long post. I hope you have a good summer.
PS. I bought new sneakers and a phone since both mentioned died. Same number though. DS.
R e l a t i v i t y
Since I last wrote, me and Diederik have been in Gothenburg. To our delight we had internet on the bus there, but none once we got there. So that's the reason behind my blogging silence.
Now we're in Lindesberg and we haven't got internet at our current place either. But I'm typing this on a minilaptop at my cousin's place. To be frank, it's very tiny. I keep hitting the wrong keys, so forgive my typos.
And speaking of tiny, this place is full of ants. They are bigger than normal ants, almost a centimeter. And one just bit me :( I feel almost embarressed to be bitten by such a small creature.
Today we went swimming in a limestone quarry with one of my cousins. It was rather cold but the scenery was really beautiful. Afterwards we went to a second hand store and I scored two nice (very cheap) skirts and a steady pocket mirror (something I missed when being on a festival and on the road). All for 50 swedish crowns.
We've been promised a fishing trip and a barbeque the following days, other than that we have no plans.
Soon we're off to Stockholm. Been quite a trip so far, and Stockholm will be our final stop. I wished we had time for a stop in Kalmar aswell, to visit our friends from Roskilde. But the final days are the most wellplanned and I don't see how that would work.
I've taken loads of pictures, and they'll turn up when I get more time with internet available.
Gotta go now, feels like there's ants everywhere :(
Now we're in Lindesberg and we haven't got internet at our current place either. But I'm typing this on a minilaptop at my cousin's place. To be frank, it's very tiny. I keep hitting the wrong keys, so forgive my typos.
And speaking of tiny, this place is full of ants. They are bigger than normal ants, almost a centimeter. And one just bit me :( I feel almost embarressed to be bitten by such a small creature.
Today we went swimming in a limestone quarry with one of my cousins. It was rather cold but the scenery was really beautiful. Afterwards we went to a second hand store and I scored two nice (very cheap) skirts and a steady pocket mirror (something I missed when being on a festival and on the road). All for 50 swedish crowns.
We've been promised a fishing trip and a barbeque the following days, other than that we have no plans.
Soon we're off to Stockholm. Been quite a trip so far, and Stockholm will be our final stop. I wished we had time for a stop in Kalmar aswell, to visit our friends from Roskilde. But the final days are the most wellplanned and I don't see how that would work.
I've taken loads of pictures, and they'll turn up when I get more time with internet available.
Gotta go now, feels like there's ants everywhere :(
D i f f e r e n c e
Today's been a slow day, but far from eventless.
We've mostly been inside infront of electronic screens, only leaving them (if even then) to eat and drink. The guys have played various games and then they experimented with bacon. I yelled "Blasphemy!" while they dipped bacon in milk chocolate, while having bacon seasoned with cinnamon and sugar baking in the oven. They were rather proud of their obscenities but after tasting both I can't say I'm a fan. Cinnamon was weird but the better of the two. Close to christmas ham.
After that we played a bord game I've never tried before, Taifho (some say it's also called Traverse). It was sort of a mixmatch of chess and chinese checkers but pretty gtood. I got silver out of 4 players.
When the game was over we decided to watch a random movie, a war movie with the title Battle for Haditha. I was moved, something I rarely am after watching a warmovie. It was (mostly) an authentic story about an incident that went horribly wrong during the war in Iraq, in 2005. I'd recommend anyone who has an opinion of that war (in either direction) to watch it.
Afterwards we were getting hungry again, so we took a long walk through this Suburbia of Suburbias to the distant BurgerKing. We decided to eat it out on a little path and saw two hedgehogs. One was really tiny and adorable.
Conclusion of this day: I drank more soda this day than I usually do in a month. I love suburbian refridgerators. Always full of everything you might need in case of nuclear winter.

We've mostly been inside infront of electronic screens, only leaving them (if even then) to eat and drink. The guys have played various games and then they experimented with bacon. I yelled "Blasphemy!" while they dipped bacon in milk chocolate, while having bacon seasoned with cinnamon and sugar baking in the oven. They were rather proud of their obscenities but after tasting both I can't say I'm a fan. Cinnamon was weird but the better of the two. Close to christmas ham.
After that we played a bord game I've never tried before, Taifho (some say it's also called Traverse). It was sort of a mixmatch of chess and chinese checkers but pretty gtood. I got silver out of 4 players.
When the game was over we decided to watch a random movie, a war movie with the title Battle for Haditha. I was moved, something I rarely am after watching a warmovie. It was (mostly) an authentic story about an incident that went horribly wrong during the war in Iraq, in 2005. I'd recommend anyone who has an opinion of that war (in either direction) to watch it.
Afterwards we were getting hungry again, so we took a long walk through this Suburbia of Suburbias to the distant BurgerKing. We decided to eat it out on a little path and saw two hedgehogs. One was really tiny and adorable.
Conclusion of this day: I drank more soda this day than I usually do in a month. I love suburbian refridgerators. Always full of everything you might need in case of nuclear winter.
Today's song:
Passion Pit - Sleepyhead
(And not only because I'm still tired from Roskilde)
Passion Pit - Sleepyhead
(And not only because I'm still tired from Roskilde)

S w i f t
So, after being home in Malmo for barely 24 hours I find myself on the road again.
Me and Diederik started our tour around the Swedish kingdom (or rather, the populated half).
Right now I am in a comfy basement in our first stop: Helsingborg. Our host for this night and the next is a friend of Diederik, Mikael. Then we're moving on to greater things (cities), starting with Gothenburg.
Naturally Roskilde was awesome and since everyone's gonna ask me, I made a top-3 list of the concerts.
3. Coldplay.
I know most people would put them first, but yeah... They were good, improvised and flirted with the audience and did a cover of Billie Jean. But they just didn't hit my spot as much as..
2. Lily Allen!
She was funny, cute, witty, drinking and smoking on stage. And she does Womenizer better than Britney Spears.
1. Röyksopp!!
It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. They were the band I was looking forward to the most. And they blew me away completely. I was suspecting (hoping) that at least one of their guest singers, Karin Dreijer, would be joining them since she had a concert with her band Fever Ray the day after on the same festival. I was incredibly happy to find out I was right, but it didn't stop there. They also brought out another dear favourite singer of mine, Robyn. I did not expect that at all, but gladly screamed to greet her, still remembering her awesome concert at Roskilde last year. As usual when performing live, Karin Dreijer (also half the band The Knife) wore a mask. I was counting on that, so guess how far I dropped my jaw when she took it off and started headbanging!
I had a cold, and a little bit of fever starting the day Röyksopp played and going there was probably not very practical. But truly necessary. But I didn't feel to good after I was soaked due to sweating like mad for an hour and a half (front row yay) and then walk all the way home to an icecold tent. My throat still hurts and my voice isn't back to normal yet. Still sooo worth it.
I'll keep updating on our trip and meanwhile, have some pictures!

Karin Dreijer at Röyksopp's concert (without a mask!)
Me and Diederik started our tour around the Swedish kingdom (or rather, the populated half).
Right now I am in a comfy basement in our first stop: Helsingborg. Our host for this night and the next is a friend of Diederik, Mikael. Then we're moving on to greater things (cities), starting with Gothenburg.
Naturally Roskilde was awesome and since everyone's gonna ask me, I made a top-3 list of the concerts.
3. Coldplay.
I know most people would put them first, but yeah... They were good, improvised and flirted with the audience and did a cover of Billie Jean. But they just didn't hit my spot as much as..
2. Lily Allen!
She was funny, cute, witty, drinking and smoking on stage. And she does Womenizer better than Britney Spears.
1. Röyksopp!!
It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. They were the band I was looking forward to the most. And they blew me away completely. I was suspecting (hoping) that at least one of their guest singers, Karin Dreijer, would be joining them since she had a concert with her band Fever Ray the day after on the same festival. I was incredibly happy to find out I was right, but it didn't stop there. They also brought out another dear favourite singer of mine, Robyn. I did not expect that at all, but gladly screamed to greet her, still remembering her awesome concert at Roskilde last year. As usual when performing live, Karin Dreijer (also half the band The Knife) wore a mask. I was counting on that, so guess how far I dropped my jaw when she took it off and started headbanging!
I had a cold, and a little bit of fever starting the day Röyksopp played and going there was probably not very practical. But truly necessary. But I didn't feel to good after I was soaked due to sweating like mad for an hour and a half (front row yay) and then walk all the way home to an icecold tent. My throat still hurts and my voice isn't back to normal yet. Still sooo worth it.
I'll keep updating on our trip and meanwhile, have some pictures!

Me after swimming in the Forbidden Lake at Roskilde, shortly before we got kicked out. Sooooo good. ^_^

Karin Dreijer at Röyksopp's concert (without a mask!)
Today's songs are the best whistle songs:
Air - Alpha Beta Gaga
Röyksopp - Eple
Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks
Air - Alpha Beta Gaga
Röyksopp - Eple
Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks