R e l a t i v i t y

Since I last wrote, me and Diederik have been in Gothenburg. To our delight we had internet on the bus there, but none once we got there. So that's the reason behind my blogging silence.

Now we're in Lindesberg and we haven't got internet at our current place either. But I'm typing this on a minilaptop at my cousin's place. To be frank, it's very tiny. I keep hitting the wrong keys, so forgive my typos.
And speaking of tiny, this place is full of ants. They are bigger than normal ants, almost a centimeter. And one just bit me :( I feel almost embarressed to be bitten by such a small creature.

Today we went swimming in a limestone quarry with one of my cousins. It was rather cold but the scenery was really beautiful. Afterwards we went to a second hand store and I scored two nice (very cheap) skirts and a steady pocket mirror (something I missed when being on a festival and on the road). All for 50 swedish crowns.
We've been promised a fishing trip and a barbeque the following days, other than that we have no plans.
Soon we're off to Stockholm. Been quite a trip so far, and Stockholm will be our final stop. I wished we had time for a stop in Kalmar aswell, to visit our friends from Roskilde. But the final days are the most wellplanned and I don't see how that would work.

I've taken loads of pictures, and they'll turn up when I get more time with internet available.
Gotta go now, feels like there's ants everywhere :(

Postat av: Hike

Du skulle köpt dig ett förstoringsglas, så hade du löst myrproblemet också + att det är skoj :D

2009-07-18 @ 19:29:13
URL: http://blogg.ahtl.se/

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