S w i f t

So, after being home in Malmo for barely 24 hours I find myself on the road again.
Me and Diederik started our tour around the Swedish kingdom (or rather, the populated half).

Right now I am in a comfy basement in our first stop: Helsingborg. Our host for this night and the next is a friend of Diederik, Mikael. Then we're moving on to greater things (cities), starting with Gothenburg.

Naturally Roskilde was awesome and since everyone's gonna ask me, I made a top-3 list of the concerts.

3. Coldplay.
I know most people would put them first, but yeah... They were good, improvised and flirted with the audience and did a cover of Billie Jean. But they just didn't hit my spot as much as..

2. Lily Allen!
She was funny, cute, witty, drinking and smoking on stage. And she does Womenizer better than Britney Spears.

It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. They were the band I was looking forward to the most. And they blew me away completely. I was suspecting (hoping) that at least one of their guest singers, Karin Dreijer, would be joining them since she had a concert with her band Fever Ray the day after on the same festival. I was incredibly happy to find out I was right, but it didn't stop there. They also brought out another dear favourite singer of mine, Robyn. I did not expect that at all, but gladly screamed to greet her, still remembering her awesome concert at Roskilde last year. As usual when performing live, Karin Dreijer (also half the band The Knife) wore a mask. I was counting on that, so guess how far I dropped my jaw when she took it off and started headbanging!
I had a cold, and a little bit of fever starting the day Röyksopp played and going there was probably not very practical. But truly necessary. But I didn't feel to good after I was soaked due to sweating like mad for an hour and a half (front row yay) and then walk all the way home to an icecold tent.  My throat still hurts and my voice isn't back to normal yet. Still sooo worth it.

I'll keep updating on our trip and meanwhile, have some pictures!

Me after swimming in the Forbidden Lake at Roskilde, shortly before we got kicked out. Sooooo good. ^_^

Karin Dreijer at Röyksopp's concert (without a mask!)

Today's songs are the best whistle songs:
Air - Alpha Beta Gaga
Röyksopp - Eple
Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks


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