P.S. You're awesome.

I was just at a job interview!
I was reallly nervous, and at first I couldn't find the place. Then I got in and realized that this was a telemarketing job. I was confused (the man on the phone didn't say what job it was and I have, as you all know, applied for hundreds of them) but filled in a paper, and the interviewer led me into a room where we talked a bit. He had appearantly lived in Brusseld in his younger days and we talked about some nice places and bars (bonding is important).
After maybe 30-45 mins he concluded that I was fit for it AND GAVE ME THE JOB.
It's not a fancy job, and I will probably hate it after two weeks and maybe just stay a month, but it's an income. I really need the money, so I am just beaming today.

Songs that led me to victory:
Muse - Supermassive Blackhole
Röyksopp - Sombre Detune
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow

By the way

I thought this blog needed a fresh face and made it pink. My apologies for any inconvenience.

The Fear

Sitting home, very frustrated. Mom brought home her laptop from her job and I've totally abused it.
But I need a computer for EVERYTHING. Applying for jobs, checking my schedule for school or to find numbers to working places where I'll apply.

I don't know how many jobs I've looked up and applied for. Not a single word. I'm frustrated cause the point of me coming back to Sweden was partly to get enough money to be able to prepare for a life in Amsterdam. The housing difficulties may have improved, Diederik is set on that task while I look for jobs.
I feel rather isolated from the things I used to know, and what I generally feel is rootless.
I have been drawing a bit, again I feel hopeful concerning the Comic art school, but I feel so.. Not only out of place, but out of time. Like I have to make a great deal of critical decisions right now. I don't know where I am or where I'm going. But do I have to know? Cause I do know WHO I am and what I want. The question is merely if I can have it all.

I got anonomous advice the other day. It said: "For god's sake, move! You're being too comfortable. You'll make it work out. And if it doesn't, you'll have a great memory of how you went mad for love in your youth to look back on when you're old and grey."
 This and the feeling of being just a tiny step closer to a flat in Amsterdam is veeery comforting.

And meeting Sandra always cheers me up!

Today's songs:
Lily Allen - The fear
Sahara Hotnight - In private

Workie work

I don't have a computer and it sucks.
I've been leeching off Oswald's alot and I'm greatful for that.

I got in on a physics course, and for the first time since 9th grade I'll be in the same class as Oswald.
So I'll stay here for another 10 weeks, and hopefully I'll move to Amsterdam after that. I'm in need of money, like everyone else.
Otherwise I'm doing fine.
Went on a stroll with Sandra today and I really missed her.
This will be a quick update, am busy applying for jobs, both here and in Amsterdam :)


I'm in Sweden again. It hasn't been the relaxed visit I had hoped for. Neither a very social one. Most of my closest friends are unavailable during the days or even for months.
I applied for a physics class to complete the education I need for studying biology, but still don't know if I got in or not.
 There are so many things I want to tell you - like that the toilets are backwards in Amsterdamian homes, what I got for christmas, and the list goes on - but I don't have the time and I generally feel unhappy in my situation. The lack of a working computer isn't helping either. I want back to Amsterdam.
But this requires a place to sleep and a job.

I did not enjoy coming back and realize that everything was just as when I left or worse. And that my sister has been using and borrowing all my stuff when I was gone, despite my harsh threats before I left. Sigh.
I just want out.
My inspriration in drawing and writing is improving though. Filled up with inspiration in Amsterdam but didn't channel it to something. Drawing like mad now.
I guess today's song is Merry Happy by Kate Nash.


I know some of you are a bit disappointed that I left Brussels, for the simple reason that you wanted to visit me there.
But I have happy news for you. I am trying to look into the possability of getting a job and a place to live in Amsterdam. Then you can visit me here, and I promise you that this town is funnier to be in than Brussels.

I'm also glad that you still read my blog, despite the fact that I'm not really a Mademoiselle Bruxelles anymore.
I guess I could be AmsterDamsel or something else. But for now I'm just a very tired teenager who wishes she had a laptop of her own. Cause when I return to Sweden (on the 7th january) I will have a router but no computer. So I'll be leeching off friends a bit, I guess.
I'm not sure how long I'll stay in Sweden. Long enough to clean out my room, and get rid of a thing or two. The more I think of it the smaller seems my future in Malmo. It would be if I got into the School of Graphic Novels/Comics, but I'm not sure how big those chances are.

I had a great new year, and I hope you had too. I'll update later, time to cook the nowadays traditional dish that I introduced to Diederik, the oh so fancy Chicken In Oven With Pesto Smeared On It And Cheese Sprinkled On Top, served with pasta : >

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