P.S. You're awesome.

I was just at a job interview!
I was reallly nervous, and at first I couldn't find the place. Then I got in and realized that this was a telemarketing job. I was confused (the man on the phone didn't say what job it was and I have, as you all know, applied for hundreds of them) but filled in a paper, and the interviewer led me into a room where we talked a bit. He had appearantly lived in Brusseld in his younger days and we talked about some nice places and bars (bonding is important).
After maybe 30-45 mins he concluded that I was fit for it AND GAVE ME THE JOB.
It's not a fancy job, and I will probably hate it after two weeks and maybe just stay a month, but it's an income. I really need the money, so I am just beaming today.

Songs that led me to victory:
Muse - Supermassive Blackhole
Röyksopp - Sombre Detune
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow

Postat av: Anonym

Åh grattis!! ! Måste starkt rekomendera dig att läsa twilightserien, jag sträckläste nästan alla fyra på en gång, minimal sömn :P ...jag vill också ha jobb....

2009-01-27 @ 20:39:19
Postat av: Sanna

av någon anledning fastnade inte mitt namn? :S

2009-01-27 @ 20:40:20
Postat av: sanna

Åh grattis! jag vill också ha ett jobb! fast arbetslösheten gjorde iofs att jag kunde läsa twilight böckerna nästan helt utan avbrott ;) rekomenderas starkt!!! :D

2009-01-27 @ 20:41:30
Postat av: Men vafan din blogg tycker inte om mig alls.

2009-01-27 @ 20:42:25

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