
I know some of you are a bit disappointed that I left Brussels, for the simple reason that you wanted to visit me there.
But I have happy news for you. I am trying to look into the possability of getting a job and a place to live in Amsterdam. Then you can visit me here, and I promise you that this town is funnier to be in than Brussels.

I'm also glad that you still read my blog, despite the fact that I'm not really a Mademoiselle Bruxelles anymore.
I guess I could be AmsterDamsel or something else. But for now I'm just a very tired teenager who wishes she had a laptop of her own. Cause when I return to Sweden (on the 7th january) I will have a router but no computer. So I'll be leeching off friends a bit, I guess.
I'm not sure how long I'll stay in Sweden. Long enough to clean out my room, and get rid of a thing or two. The more I think of it the smaller seems my future in Malmo. It would be if I got into the School of Graphic Novels/Comics, but I'm not sure how big those chances are.

I had a great new year, and I hope you had too. I'll update later, time to cook the nowadays traditional dish that I introduced to Diederik, the oh so fancy Chicken In Oven With Pesto Smeared On It And Cheese Sprinkled On Top, served with pasta : >

Postat av: Magnus

As the little besserwisser that I am I can't help but point out that you, young lady, are no longer entitled to call yourself a teenager, nor have you been for the passed nine months!

2009-01-04 @ 17:31:23
Postat av: Anonym


2009-01-06 @ 19:39:22
Postat av: Anonym

magnus speaks truth, owned ^_^

2009-01-07 @ 01:15:41

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