This is the third post I make today. But bear with me, I rarely blog nowadays, this is compensation.
I realized that lately my notes are either about school, my work or when I see Diederik. How typical. Let me tell you of the other things I fill my days with.
I have possibly a fracture in my right foot, wcich causes me to move a lot less than I usually do. I like to walk, but now I avoid it if I can.
Last friday was a really good day. Met a girl I've never seen before, but we've talked for quite some time online. We sat for hours discussing things and I had for the first time in ages a Chai Latte. It was a very cold and snowy day, making that the perfect drink. It's tea mixed with milk, cardamom and cinnamon. We got along rather well and said we'd meet again. The weird part is that her boyfriend is not oly in my physics class, but also in my lab group. We are a total of around 60 people having physics together, so the odds are limited.
On my way home, I got a call from Hanne and she wanted to sit in and do something. I (or well, my foot) was relieved and we watched Kill Bill (she had never seen it, which surprised me). We watched while eating kokosbulle-dough. She is now begging me to watch the sequel. Such a good day.
I have also been drawing some, and last night (read: this morning) I finished reading Stieg Larsson's Män som hatar kvinnor (English title: The girl with the dragon tattoo). I could barely stop reading it and I do recommend it. The movie is out now in Sweden and I'm gonna watch it eventually. I just wanted to read the book first.
And actually, I have been writing a little. Short stories and novels (and of course lab reports). Been a while since I wrote, but I found (when cleaning my room, a project I stiil haven't finished and almost doubt I ever will) several texts that I wrote during my last years in school. Most of them were 2 years old but I still find them very good.
And to refer to my previous post about spring, here's a picture I took ages ago. Fits the season.

I realized that lately my notes are either about school, my work or when I see Diederik. How typical. Let me tell you of the other things I fill my days with.
I have possibly a fracture in my right foot, wcich causes me to move a lot less than I usually do. I like to walk, but now I avoid it if I can.
Last friday was a really good day. Met a girl I've never seen before, but we've talked for quite some time online. We sat for hours discussing things and I had for the first time in ages a Chai Latte. It was a very cold and snowy day, making that the perfect drink. It's tea mixed with milk, cardamom and cinnamon. We got along rather well and said we'd meet again. The weird part is that her boyfriend is not oly in my physics class, but also in my lab group. We are a total of around 60 people having physics together, so the odds are limited.
On my way home, I got a call from Hanne and she wanted to sit in and do something. I (or well, my foot) was relieved and we watched Kill Bill (she had never seen it, which surprised me). We watched while eating kokosbulle-dough. She is now begging me to watch the sequel. Such a good day.
I have also been drawing some, and last night (read: this morning) I finished reading Stieg Larsson's Män som hatar kvinnor (English title: The girl with the dragon tattoo). I could barely stop reading it and I do recommend it. The movie is out now in Sweden and I'm gonna watch it eventually. I just wanted to read the book first.
And actually, I have been writing a little. Short stories and novels (and of course lab reports). Been a while since I wrote, but I found (when cleaning my room, a project I stiil haven't finished and almost doubt I ever will) several texts that I wrote during my last years in school. Most of them were 2 years old but I still find them very good.
And to refer to my previous post about spring, here's a picture I took ages ago. Fits the season.

I changed the colors in my blog because all the chewing gum pink was getting to me. I hope I chose a slightly more eyefriendly pink shade now. But I wouldn't really know, I'm sitiing on a MacBook with way to bright screen. The other colours I added were an impuls, hinting about spring and easter. My grandma always decorated her house with green, purple, pink and yellow around easter.
Let me know if the changes are for the worse.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Let me know if the changes are for the worse.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Hej, an update from my nowadays rather calm life.
Yes, I have still kept my job. But I've been saying I'll quit the entire week. Probaby working today and thursday, and then quit. I'm not selling much, my average salary is 45 SEK/h. But it is still an income. I'm planning to visit Diederik in march. My exam is the 9th (my birthday is the 8th...) and after that there should be a gap before the second part of the education begins. It continues until may, I think, and then I'm freeee!
My friend Adam (who I havent seen in ages thanks to his education, among other things) told me that I could easily get in to The Game Academy. I was a bit surprised by this, and also a bit tempted. I might apply for the autumn (I will also apply for the school of Comics and Graphic novels), altough I'm not sure I want to study already. I want to try and live with Diederik in Amsterdam for a while. Most likely not the entire time during his studies, but maybe a year, or half a year. In other words I'm still not sure where I will end up after the summer.
I was looking for a suiting name for this post while I was listening to Röyksopp, one of my favourite bands. The name is norwegian, as the band, and translation would be Smokemushroom. But the english name was Puffball, which I found to be both funny and fitting.
Yes, I have still kept my job. But I've been saying I'll quit the entire week. Probaby working today and thursday, and then quit. I'm not selling much, my average salary is 45 SEK/h. But it is still an income. I'm planning to visit Diederik in march. My exam is the 9th (my birthday is the 8th...) and after that there should be a gap before the second part of the education begins. It continues until may, I think, and then I'm freeee!
My friend Adam (who I havent seen in ages thanks to his education, among other things) told me that I could easily get in to The Game Academy. I was a bit surprised by this, and also a bit tempted. I might apply for the autumn (I will also apply for the school of Comics and Graphic novels), altough I'm not sure I want to study already. I want to try and live with Diederik in Amsterdam for a while. Most likely not the entire time during his studies, but maybe a year, or half a year. In other words I'm still not sure where I will end up after the summer.
I was looking for a suiting name for this post while I was listening to Röyksopp, one of my favourite bands. The name is norwegian, as the band, and translation would be Smokemushroom. But the english name was Puffball, which I found to be both funny and fitting.
Hi again, sorry for not writing in a while.
I am still working as a telemarketer and still in school so I'm expecting a smaller amount of money to roll in soon, but so far I haven't seen a single coin. But I didn't spend too much of what I brought from Brussels, so at the moment I'm not in dire need.
As predicted I have started to hate my job (and just partly because I'm not good at it) and I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it for more than the coming week.
Diederik has been here to visit me, and I would go nuts if he hadn't. We spent Valentine's Day at an art gallery (Konsthallen) where we were allowed to take random pictures of eachother and then print them out and glue them to things. Brilliant thing to spend tax money on. I might put up some of the pictures. Then we went home, bought copious amounts of candy, and watched the first season of Skins, illegally downloaded. Anti-consuming Valentine's Day.
Oh and speaking of pictures, here is one from when I was out with Magnus in the park, about a month ago. The water in the ponds had frozen so we walked on them.

The trial against The Pirate Bay starts tomorrow and as a member of Piratpartiet (the Pirate Party) my opinion on the matter should be quite clear. I however want to make clear that I'm not in the party for the right to "steal" music, but to protect my own and other people's integrity, an issue that's completely ignored by those with power and machines.
Today's songs:
Röyksopp - Happy Up Here (such a feel-good song)
Air - Mer Du Japon
Air - Playground Love (cutest relaxing music)
I hope to be able to write soon, but without a computer I can give no guarantees. So long!
I am still working as a telemarketer and still in school so I'm expecting a smaller amount of money to roll in soon, but so far I haven't seen a single coin. But I didn't spend too much of what I brought from Brussels, so at the moment I'm not in dire need.
As predicted I have started to hate my job (and just partly because I'm not good at it) and I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it for more than the coming week.
Diederik has been here to visit me, and I would go nuts if he hadn't. We spent Valentine's Day at an art gallery (Konsthallen) where we were allowed to take random pictures of eachother and then print them out and glue them to things. Brilliant thing to spend tax money on. I might put up some of the pictures. Then we went home, bought copious amounts of candy, and watched the first season of Skins, illegally downloaded. Anti-consuming Valentine's Day.
Oh and speaking of pictures, here is one from when I was out with Magnus in the park, about a month ago. The water in the ponds had frozen so we walked on them.

The trial against The Pirate Bay starts tomorrow and as a member of Piratpartiet (the Pirate Party) my opinion on the matter should be quite clear. I however want to make clear that I'm not in the party for the right to "steal" music, but to protect my own and other people's integrity, an issue that's completely ignored by those with power and machines.
Today's songs:
Röyksopp - Happy Up Here (such a feel-good song)
Air - Mer Du Japon
Air - Playground Love (cutest relaxing music)
I hope to be able to write soon, but without a computer I can give no guarantees. So long!