
Hi again, sorry for not writing in a while.

I am still working as a telemarketer and still in school so I'm expecting a smaller amount of money to roll in soon, but so far I haven't seen a single coin. But I didn't spend too much of what I brought from Brussels, so at the moment I'm not in dire need.
As predicted I have started to hate my job (and just partly because I'm not good at it) and I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it for more than the coming week.
Diederik has been here to visit me, and I would go nuts if he hadn't. We spent Valentine's Day at an art gallery (Konsthallen) where we were allowed to take random pictures of eachother and then print them out and glue them to things. Brilliant thing to spend tax money on. I might put up some of the pictures. Then we went home, bought copious amounts of candy, and watched the first season of Skins, illegally downloaded. Anti-consuming Valentine's Day.
Oh and speaking of pictures, here is one from when I was out with Magnus in the park, about a month ago. The water in the ponds had frozen so we walked on them.

The trial against The Pirate Bay starts tomorrow and as a member of Piratpartiet (the Pirate Party) my opinion on the matter should be quite clear. I however want to make clear that I'm not in the party for the right to "steal" music, but to protect my own and other people's integrity, an issue that's completely ignored by those with power and machines.

Today's songs:
Röyksopp - Happy Up Here (such a feel-good song)
Air - Mer Du Japon
Air - Playground Love (cutest relaxing music)

I hope to be able to write soon, but without a computer I can give no guarantees. So long!

Postat av: Anonym

Ahum quite legally downloaded due to local legislation thank you very much

2009-02-17 @ 17:01:15
Postat av: Catwoman

Din blogg var mer rosa än jag väntat mig. ;)

2009-02-21 @ 01:51:15

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