
Hej, an update from my nowadays rather calm life.

Yes, I have still kept my job. But I've been saying I'll quit the entire week. Probaby working today and thursday, and then quit. I'm not selling much, my average salary is 45 SEK/h. But it is still an income. I'm planning to visit Diederik in march. My exam is the 9th (my birthday is the 8th...) and after that there should be a gap before the second part of the education begins. It continues until may, I think, and then I'm freeee!
My friend Adam (who I havent seen in ages thanks to his education, among other things) told me that I could easily get in to The Game Academy. I was a bit surprised by this, and also a bit tempted. I might apply for the autumn (I will also apply for the school of Comics and Graphic novels), altough I'm not sure I want to study already. I want to try and live with Diederik in Amsterdam for a while. Most likely not the entire time during his studies, but maybe a year, or half a year. In other words I'm still not sure where I will end up after the summer.

I was looking for a suiting name for this post while I was listening to Röyksopp, one of my favourite bands. The name is norwegian, as the band, and translation would be Smokemushroom. But the english name was Puffball, which I found to be both funny and fitting.


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