M u s e s
The only thing I don't like about american comic style is that all the women (bad or good) look so mean! Their eyebrows and eyes are always threatening, like a massive defence mechanism or something. If I had more time I'd make a collage, but this is a lunch-blogpost :)
But there is one thing I want to show you, and that is this video. It is a remix of sounds and songs from the old Disney movie Alice in Wonderland. The guy behind it made several similar remixes but this one is pure magic. It's a bit old by now, but I can't get over it.
Such a dreamy song. At the creator Pogo's website you can download it for free, along with many of the other remixes.
I am still far from done with the USA posts, they will keep coming, and I got loads of sweet photos to show. I'm slow to update that since I currently find myself without internet at home. And all pictures are on my laptop at home. In due time, my friends.
Hopefully I will upload some drawings soon. They are on my flashdrive at home, where they do no good.
And with that vague promise I go for my actual lunch, sausages cut as coins, in spicy sauce with pasta. Vegetarian sausages, that is. ;)
Today's songs:
Chemical Brothers - Swoon
Amadou & Mariam - La Réalité
PS. I'm considering starting to post the songs I recommend as youtube videos, like the Alice one. Opinions? Object now, or forever hold your silence (heh, I have plenty of readers but hardly anyone ever comments. I can do whatever I want this way :D).
Du verkar trivas på praktikplatsen! Vad bra :).
det gör jag verkligen! gör du?
jo, riktigt trevligt. Synd bara att det är så ensamt att jobba distans :P.
ja, jag förstår det. Är du uppe i norrland nu, med katterna?
Japp. Känns skönt att leva lite billigare nu under praktiken. Samt ganska trevligt att kunna ta promenader genom skogen. Skall klappa katterna lite från dig! :P
mm, helt fantastiskt att ha tid att laga mat på kvällen när man kommer hem och inte bara stupa rätt i säng.
ja klappa dem mkt! och du borde vara inne på msn ibland så man kan skicka konstiga konstverk till dig o tvinga dig att skicka kattbilder i gengäld.
Heh, tror nog inte det blir MSN. Om något försöker jag ta om lite på nytt, men som du märker går det inte så bra :P. Jaja, borde nog inte skriva mer, så hörs för alltid då ^^.