P r o g r e s s
He prints his inked drawing and do the shadows with grey markers in warm and cold shades. I did my drawing on a paper to begin with, so I continued shading on paper, before taking a photo of it (I don't have a scanner). Then I transferred the image to the computer and put it in GIMP (free image editing program).
Once that's done, I followed his steps precisely. The results are below. It's just a 10 min sketch so don't judge me too hard on the anatomy..

As you can see I got rid of the ugly grey background color that I got when photographing it, but in the process I lost many of the light shadows of the face. Next time I'll know that I can be tougher with the shading. The program I used is not very good with removing backgrounds. If anyone knows better, tell me so. Still learning it.
And best of all, this didn't take long time at all. An hour or so, from scratch to finished.
Avicii - Fade into darkness
Usher - U remind me
M u s e s
The only thing I don't like about american comic style is that all the women (bad or good) look so mean! Their eyebrows and eyes are always threatening, like a massive defence mechanism or something. If I had more time I'd make a collage, but this is a lunch-blogpost :)
But there is one thing I want to show you, and that is this video. It is a remix of sounds and songs from the old Disney movie Alice in Wonderland. The guy behind it made several similar remixes but this one is pure magic. It's a bit old by now, but I can't get over it.
Such a dreamy song. At the creator Pogo's website you can download it for free, along with many of the other remixes.
I am still far from done with the USA posts, they will keep coming, and I got loads of sweet photos to show. I'm slow to update that since I currently find myself without internet at home. And all pictures are on my laptop at home. In due time, my friends.
Hopefully I will upload some drawings soon. They are on my flashdrive at home, where they do no good.
And with that vague promise I go for my actual lunch, sausages cut as coins, in spicy sauce with pasta. Vegetarian sausages, that is. ;)
Today's songs:
Chemical Brothers - Swoon
Amadou & Mariam - La Réalité
PS. I'm considering starting to post the songs I recommend as youtube videos, like the Alice one. Opinions? Object now, or forever hold your silence (heh, I have plenty of readers but hardly anyone ever comments. I can do whatever I want this way :D).
M a r i n e
Sooo here is an old post I wrote about the trip to Santa Cruz! I updated it alot though.
It is important to me that my food is as tasty as food with meat, that I feel like I'm not giving up any of the pleasure in eating. I don't miss the taste of meat (people ask me often), but I miss the texture of meat. I never was a steak person.
When we arrived it was very warm and we had a really nice hotel. We ate mexican food for dinner, don't remember if I had an enchilada, fajita or any of the other names for stuff in a tortilla wrap. But it was with beans and cheese and tasted pretty good. TV has told me this is the reason my stomach was upset the day after.
Aaaand the the day after was carefully planned. My cousin was going with her parents to check out the campus and do tests. Me and her aunt were going to THE BOARDWALK! I don't know if it is the phenomenom that's called boardwalk or the actual site. What is it you ask?
It's an amusement park by the beach!
I had the entire morning planned out. The hotel had a pool and I wasn't gonna miss out on an opportunity to swim! First me and my cousin's aunt had breakfast, which was a bit disappointing.
I'm a huuuge fan of hotel breakfasts, but this was more like a fast food breakfast. And I just don't get why people eat american bagels. At least not for breakfast. It's big, and compact. And taste like air.

Paper plate, plastic cutlery, paper cup... and a freaking bagel. Good tea though.
I swam for about half an hour and it felt so good! I love swimming.

Wet bliss.

We got there early so it wasn't crowded at first. But the sun was scorching all day. I was wearing sun lotion wth a factor of 70 in my face (I'm not kidding, I have proof!), and 60 on my shoulders and legs. That's what I used pretty much every day during my stay :)


Beach, really cold water, and DEEPFRIED TWINKIES. Does it get more american than that?

Rules, circus, lunch, and of course I had to taste the twinkies. It was hot, messy and sweet.
I went on two rides, Logger's revenge and The Giant Dipper. The latter is a wooden rollercoaster from 1924 that has featured in a lot of tv shows and movies, including Sudden Impact and the classic Dangerous Minds with Michelle Pfeiffer as a teacher. According to signs, even Vincent Price rode on it. And then me. :D
Then we were tired and sunburned, so we called my aunt to pick us up and take us to campus. We walked around a bit, waiting for my cousin to finish her last test. On the way home we ate chinese and then we got home even more tired. I probably went straight to bed.
I will update more in the coming days :)
Kate Bush - Wuthering heights
JJ - Ecstacy