H u n t

Lack of both computer and internet has kept me from updating, and I've been really busy on top of that.

Two days ago I started school. It's called The Game Assembly nowadays due to a copyright complaint from a german school. There I have been assigned a stationary computer with two (2!) screens. And all the awesome creative programs I could ever wish for.
So monday was first day in school. But there was alot of other firsts that day.

I moved away from my home, the room that has been my home for the past 12 years. But maybe that isn't really a first considering that I moved to Brussels before, even though that was not a permanent move.
The first night was horrible.
I detected two large spiders, hiding under my bed. I managed to kill one, but not the other. I suspected there were more (and I was right), but I couldn't do much, it was late in the evening. And it was so quiet. I could hear myself breath, move and all the little sounds that an old building full of apartments make.

I slept with the lights on for the first time in over 12 years. It was a nervous sleep and when Diederik called me in the middle of the night (to calm me down) I woke up sweaty as from a nightmare.
Morning after I had my first breakfast at my new home. And then went to school.
Last night I had my first friend over, Cornelia. She helped me get rid off some dead insects and spiders. Since the entire day had passed without a (live) spider sighting, I assumed that maybe the room wasn't loaded with spiders, maybe there was just one left, and it was dying?
This morning, after a peaceful sleep in my very comfortable bed, I withdrew the curtain and a longlegged spider fell almost down on me.
I will get the vacuumcleaner as soon as I get an opportunity.

In english, they're usually called "harvestmen" or "daddy longleg".
And according to Wikipedia, they are arachnids, but not actual spiders.

Today's song:
The Knife - Forest Families
(The music is as hypnotizing as the lyrics and puts me in a very creative mood)


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