F e s t i v e
Today I'm very excited and for once not because I got in at the Game Academy (even though that still makes me smile widely), but tonight we get on the train (me, Diederik and two of our friends here) to Copenhagen, and then we change train heading for Roskilde and the festival!
I've been looking so much towards this, since last year was so amazing. And they say that we once again will be lucky with the weather.
A fitting picture: Me and Diederik at the hippie masquerade two weeks ago. Photographer: Ork de Rooij
No, it's not a joint! A waterpipe, with mix of tobacco and fruit.
Today's songs:
Jurassic Park Theme
Savage Garden - Break Me Shake Me
I've been looking so much towards this, since last year was so amazing. And they say that we once again will be lucky with the weather.
A fitting picture: Me and Diederik at the hippie masquerade two weeks ago. Photographer: Ork de Rooij

No, it's not a joint! A waterpipe, with mix of tobacco and fruit.
Today's songs:
Jurassic Park Theme
Savage Garden - Break Me Shake Me
We interrupt your usual internetsurfing to announce that
And while we're at it. I'd like to introduce you to my new creative blog.
The banner will be replaced and I'll put up more material later, but now, let me welcome you to the Jurassic Art! From now on there will always be a link in the menu.
And while we're at it. I'd like to introduce you to my new creative blog.
The banner will be replaced and I'll put up more material later, but now, let me welcome you to the Jurassic Art! From now on there will always be a link in the menu.
H e a t w a v e
Once again I apologize for not writing for a while. Haven't been by a computer in ages, not since Sandra arrived. She left two days ago, but on the same day Hanne got here. I can see the headline: Swedes invaded the Netherlands - whole country in shock!
But on the more serious side, we have more updated summer plans now.
Starting out small with Helsingborg, Gothenburg on the 10th, and staying there for a few days. From there we'll travel to Lindesberg and continue to Sthlm before going back to Malmö. Once back in Malmö, we've been promised langos from Sandra. Langos is a divine dish, and Sandra and her mom do it even more delicious.
It's incredibly hot here in Amsterdam. Me and Diederik went out with a blanket a few hours ago. But being foolish and not bringing water led to our retreat from the sunny park. I've been taking many pictures but I'm not sure how to show them, cause each picture comes with a story or a thought. And putting it all here would take a lot of time. I might do another montage, easy to look at and no need for words.
I'm also happy to have more readers lately :D I like that you like to read what I write. And no, I havent forgotten about my creative blog, I'm working on it.

Me chillin with the beavers at Amsterdam Zoo, also known as Artis. I'm considering getting a yearcard there ^^
Today's song:
N.A.S.A. - Gifted (feat. Kanye West, Santogold, & Lykke Li)
But on the more serious side, we have more updated summer plans now.
Starting out small with Helsingborg, Gothenburg on the 10th, and staying there for a few days. From there we'll travel to Lindesberg and continue to Sthlm before going back to Malmö. Once back in Malmö, we've been promised langos from Sandra. Langos is a divine dish, and Sandra and her mom do it even more delicious.
It's incredibly hot here in Amsterdam. Me and Diederik went out with a blanket a few hours ago. But being foolish and not bringing water led to our retreat from the sunny park. I've been taking many pictures but I'm not sure how to show them, cause each picture comes with a story or a thought. And putting it all here would take a lot of time. I might do another montage, easy to look at and no need for words.
I'm also happy to have more readers lately :D I like that you like to read what I write. And no, I havent forgotten about my creative blog, I'm working on it.

Me chillin with the beavers at Amsterdam Zoo, also known as Artis. I'm considering getting a yearcard there ^^
Today's song:
N.A.S.A. - Gifted (feat. Kanye West, Santogold, & Lykke Li)
P r i v a c y

Took this picture when me and Diederik were out walking. Words of our time, I thought.
S u n c e l l
It's been a little while since I wrote, but the reason is of course that I'm back in Amsterdam. And yes, the weather is fantastic.
We've been busy as usual with making up for lost time, but we've been up to alot of other things as well.
Peculiar things:
• I got intoxicated by the scent of the elderflowers and decided to do what my mom used to to:
Elderflower lemonade. It was the best drinkable thing I knew of as a kid.
I put 5 carefully rinsed flowers mixed with the pulp from a lemon in a bowl, and added about a decilitre of sugar. Then I boiled about 4 dl of water and poured over the flowers. I put a plate over it and let it be for 2 days in room temperature. Tomorrow I'm going to let it be 2 days in the fridge, and then it's done (according to the recipe I found on ICA.se). It smells like many summers forgotten and I hope it will taste as good.
• We walked up on the roof of the building and museum Nemo. The tilting roof allows you to walk up on it from behind.
Click = bigger image
• We went to see Continental Breakfast yesterday. They are a coverband, and a pretty good one. We saw them at The Waterhole, where else? All in all, a very good night.
• As I've been typing this, Sandra, my best friend has booked tickets to Amsterdam! She's coming on thursday and she's staying until sunday.
• Saturday the 19th is the swedish Midsummer. A day as important as Christmas Eve to many swedes. Me and Diederik have decided we should celebrate it, and now that Sandra is coming, there'll be twice as much to celebrate!
• We have booked tickets and I'm not leaving this town until the 27th! I'll be going from Copenhagen to Malmö, back to Copenhagen, and then to Roskilde for the festival!
• I made a montage. So fjortis, but so easy.
Title of this post is from Diederik's discovery that I'm completely dependant of sun.
Sun = happy, energetic Louise.
Today's song
Prodigy - No good
We've been busy as usual with making up for lost time, but we've been up to alot of other things as well.
Peculiar things:
• I got intoxicated by the scent of the elderflowers and decided to do what my mom used to to:
Elderflower lemonade. It was the best drinkable thing I knew of as a kid.
I put 5 carefully rinsed flowers mixed with the pulp from a lemon in a bowl, and added about a decilitre of sugar. Then I boiled about 4 dl of water and poured over the flowers. I put a plate over it and let it be for 2 days in room temperature. Tomorrow I'm going to let it be 2 days in the fridge, and then it's done (according to the recipe I found on ICA.se). It smells like many summers forgotten and I hope it will taste as good.
• We walked up on the roof of the building and museum Nemo. The tilting roof allows you to walk up on it from behind.

• We went to see Continental Breakfast yesterday. They are a coverband, and a pretty good one. We saw them at The Waterhole, where else? All in all, a very good night.
• As I've been typing this, Sandra, my best friend has booked tickets to Amsterdam! She's coming on thursday and she's staying until sunday.
• Saturday the 19th is the swedish Midsummer. A day as important as Christmas Eve to many swedes. Me and Diederik have decided we should celebrate it, and now that Sandra is coming, there'll be twice as much to celebrate!
• We have booked tickets and I'm not leaving this town until the 27th! I'll be going from Copenhagen to Malmö, back to Copenhagen, and then to Roskilde for the festival!
• I made a montage. So fjortis, but so easy.
Title of this post is from Diederik's discovery that I'm completely dependant of sun.
Sun = happy, energetic Louise.
Today's song
Prodigy - No good
I laughed.
Someone filed a false application for a change of name for the antipiracy lobbyist, and the man formerly known as Henrik Pontén is now called Pirate Pontén. Harrassment? Yes. Hilarious? Absolutely.
Swedish link:
Swedish link:
P h o t o s h o o t s
Here's some of the pictures me and Oswald took on the day when we were "model for a day" . The quality's not top notch, but it's a phone camera :P
I only bought one of the pictures from the professional photographer.
Me and Sandra had a fantastic photoshoot when we left my sisters graduation party last night, and pictures will come, I promise. But for now, settle with these highly egocentric pictures while I go for some coffee (tea for me) with my grandma.
(click them to enlarge)

Today's yay:
I got started on my GameAcademy homework. And there's tons of left overs from yesterday, including my mom's magic meatballs.
Today's noooo:
Who's gonna look after my plants when I go to Amsterdam?
Today's song:
Anything with Blondie
I only bought one of the pictures from the professional photographer.
Me and Sandra had a fantastic photoshoot when we left my sisters graduation party last night, and pictures will come, I promise. But for now, settle with these highly egocentric pictures while I go for some coffee (tea for me) with my grandma.
(click them to enlarge)

Today's yay:
I got started on my GameAcademy homework. And there's tons of left overs from yesterday, including my mom's magic meatballs.
Today's noooo:
Who's gonna look after my plants when I go to Amsterdam?
Today's song:
Anything with Blondie
S p e c t r e
I woke up at like 5.30 from heavy rain, like in jurassic park. For some reason I felt very contempt with the mayhem outside my window. And managed to fall back into some light slumber.
Everyone (by everyone I mean ALL THE WOMEN) is making food for the party tonight. I'm hiding in bed. I dont wanna be forced to make student food just because I belong to a gender that usually takes care of that. Everyone's panicking and it's contagious. I hate it.
I wrote this earlier about my sister's graduation party.
Me and Sandra just left from there, to stretch our legs, call our boyfriends and to make the food sink down a bit. After 4 dishes followed by 3 desserts I feel ...less awesome. And very contempt. But as soon as I can move again, we're going out again, to dance somewhere.
Seems Sandra's done, gotta go!
Everyone (by everyone I mean ALL THE WOMEN) is making food for the party tonight. I'm hiding in bed. I dont wanna be forced to make student food just because I belong to a gender that usually takes care of that. Everyone's panicking and it's contagious. I hate it.
I wrote this earlier about my sister's graduation party.
Me and Sandra just left from there, to stretch our legs, call our boyfriends and to make the food sink down a bit. After 4 dishes followed by 3 desserts I feel ...less awesome. And very contempt. But as soon as I can move again, we're going out again, to dance somewhere.
Seems Sandra's done, gotta go!
C l i f f h a n g e r s
Time to reveal good news!
Yesterday I was at an interview at the GameAcademy. 120 applied this year, and based on portfolio, CV and personal letter, they selected 49 for interviews. Out of these 49 they accept 22 as students. This means that my application was better than at least 71 others, and that was enough to give me total hybris for at least 15 minutes.
The interview went pretty good, the rest depends on my competition, as grandma said. I will know about the 22nd whether I got in or not. I got a homework to do meanwhile O_O
I have also been in a movie! The new swedish major movie Dear Alice. I'm playing an office woman, possibly tv host, in the background. Other people starring in the movie is Danny Glover (Lethal weapon 1, 2, 3, 4) and Ulf Brunnberg (famous as Vanheden in the Jönssonligan movies). It has premiere in march in Sweden and they're sending it to the Berlin movie festival and everything! :D
I've got a new passport, and a ticket to Amsterdam. Return ticket is not yet purchased.
In Amsterdam many good things await me, among others a hippie masquerade, several bbqs and of course my dear boyfriend.
And my dear Sandra is now finally free from the rock hard grip school has on her. We're going out in a little while.
I have also been in the sun a bit. I burnt my legs and belly the other day, but that's the only way they get tanned :(
Lately I started packing my room inte cardboxes and paper bags. Feels weird to leave something that has been my cave, my hide out. My sacred place, if you like. I started with the books and realized I read alot, and most of it good. I might start doing little reviews of books (if you want, you can borrow the book from me).
It's not really clear where I'll live in the autumn. But it is clear that it's not going to be at home. I hope I'll find somewhere.
And I've been to graduation parties (tonight's another one, and tomorrow my sister graduates!) and I ate and ate til' I got sick. The food is no doubt the best part, even though free alcohol is appreciated in a land with 200% taxes on vodka. I prefer beer though (does this make me dutch at heart?). Speaking of dutch, I'm slowly learning more of it. Ik ben een grote konijn! (I'm a big rabbit! Yes, no sense.)
What I miss most with being with Diederik except the obvious (that we're a couple and all) is cooking. I never really do advanced cooking except when I'm with him, and never as tasty food. I miss experimenting with random ingredients.
Oh well, Sandra's here now, gotta go!
Today's yay:
Rammstein is on Spotify! All albums!
Todays nooo:
I don't have a Spotify account. And soon not even a computer Q_Q
Today's song:
Rammstein - Adios

Yesterday I was at an interview at the GameAcademy. 120 applied this year, and based on portfolio, CV and personal letter, they selected 49 for interviews. Out of these 49 they accept 22 as students. This means that my application was better than at least 71 others, and that was enough to give me total hybris for at least 15 minutes.
The interview went pretty good, the rest depends on my competition, as grandma said. I will know about the 22nd whether I got in or not. I got a homework to do meanwhile O_O
I have also been in a movie! The new swedish major movie Dear Alice. I'm playing an office woman, possibly tv host, in the background. Other people starring in the movie is Danny Glover (Lethal weapon 1, 2, 3, 4) and Ulf Brunnberg (famous as Vanheden in the Jönssonligan movies). It has premiere in march in Sweden and they're sending it to the Berlin movie festival and everything! :D
I've got a new passport, and a ticket to Amsterdam. Return ticket is not yet purchased.
In Amsterdam many good things await me, among others a hippie masquerade, several bbqs and of course my dear boyfriend.
And my dear Sandra is now finally free from the rock hard grip school has on her. We're going out in a little while.
I have also been in the sun a bit. I burnt my legs and belly the other day, but that's the only way they get tanned :(
Lately I started packing my room inte cardboxes and paper bags. Feels weird to leave something that has been my cave, my hide out. My sacred place, if you like. I started with the books and realized I read alot, and most of it good. I might start doing little reviews of books (if you want, you can borrow the book from me).
It's not really clear where I'll live in the autumn. But it is clear that it's not going to be at home. I hope I'll find somewhere.
And I've been to graduation parties (tonight's another one, and tomorrow my sister graduates!) and I ate and ate til' I got sick. The food is no doubt the best part, even though free alcohol is appreciated in a land with 200% taxes on vodka. I prefer beer though (does this make me dutch at heart?). Speaking of dutch, I'm slowly learning more of it. Ik ben een grote konijn! (I'm a big rabbit! Yes, no sense.)
What I miss most with being with Diederik except the obvious (that we're a couple and all) is cooking. I never really do advanced cooking except when I'm with him, and never as tasty food. I miss experimenting with random ingredients.
Oh well, Sandra's here now, gotta go!
Today's yay:
Rammstein is on Spotify! All albums!
Todays nooo:
I don't have a Spotify account. And soon not even a computer Q_Q
Today's song:
Rammstein - Adios

Me and grandma at mom's 50 year party!
P r o m i s i n g
These are busy days before I run off to Amsterdam.
But I assure you that I'll reveal some good news to you!
And I might have gotten started on my "creative blog" where I'm gonna post all the awesome, pretty and funny things I produce.
So you, as I, have many great things ahead!
But I assure you that I'll reveal some good news to you!
And I might have gotten started on my "creative blog" where I'm gonna post all the awesome, pretty and funny things I produce.
So you, as I, have many great things ahead!