S t o r m

Diederik lives (like most people in the outskirts of Amsterdam) in a not very tall darkred brick townhouse building. They don't have ventilation originally, the buildings are more than a 100 years old. This causes the top floors in each house to have a temperature a lot higher than the bottom ones. Diederik's room is at the very top and so it gets very warm here. But after eating breakfast downstairs this morning I grabbed a cardigan when we were going out.
Huge mistake. Outside was sun, merciless sun, and air that stood completely still. Humidity made me feel like I was walking around in soup.

We were heading for a few presentations in physics, and when we met up with the other guys they informed us that later on we would have thunder, followed by snow. And as I typed that very sentence, just now, I heard the first sound of thunder.
I doubt the snow though. It's like 27 Celsius in the shadow.
Anyway I hope we'll manage, as soon as I'm done here, we're going to Job's place. With a barbeque and beer we were gonna celebrate that him and Stef both have reached their bachelor's degree in physics. But now, before I finished that sentence, a sudden and massive rain started pouring. Like in the Hollywood movies where I always think "It never really rains like that. They should adjust their rain machines." I see lightning now, it's not very far either.
I'll keep an eye out for snow, I guess.

Been watching alot of good movies lately.
American Beauty
This is England
Ice Age 3

We also started watching District 9 but it was a poor version, so we shut it off. Downloading is legal in Holland, and I furiously abuse this fact. If someone wants to argue the moral of this, I'm welcoming a try.

Have some holiday pictures!

D bought a glass             Bumbelbee in Lindeberg!       Me chilling with the Royal
bottle of Coke and                                                      Guards in Stockholm
enjoyed it massively!


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