Finally spring fully reached Malmö.
At this time of year it's very common to ask what everyone is planning for the autumn. School? Work? But as the crisis starts to strike harder even to this insignificant country, people are more hesitent to answer, myself included. I've heard a lot of prognoses. There aren't alot of jobs left in Malmö. Most of them are about selling things, which naturally grows harder as fewer are capable of buying.
My options seems limited by my interests.
Considered options are:
- studying game art at Game Academy
- studying comics as Comic School
- searching for work abroad (preferably near Amsterdam ;P)
In case of studying I can only gather enough interest to study something creative, yet productive. The GameAcademy seems perfect in this aspect, since game art is probably more in demand than a graphic novel. I'm not really worried about the market. It has been shown that during financial lows, people need entertainment (and an escape) more than ever.
My mom's prognose of the situation is that now is the best time to study, and that in maybe two years there'll be more jobs available. The game art education is two years.
If I was to get a decent job, I would likely be forced to look abroad. The unemployed ratio is lower in Amsterdam, or so Diederik tells me. I have to wait at least a month before I see him again, and it is an unbearable thought.
So in short, to answer the question about my autumn: Either I will have a two year education going on, with steady money and hopefully another place to live. Or I will be running around in Amsterdam, trying to get job and a place to live there.
It depends really on where I get accepted.
At this time of year it's very common to ask what everyone is planning for the autumn. School? Work? But as the crisis starts to strike harder even to this insignificant country, people are more hesitent to answer, myself included. I've heard a lot of prognoses. There aren't alot of jobs left in Malmö. Most of them are about selling things, which naturally grows harder as fewer are capable of buying.
My options seems limited by my interests.
Considered options are:
- studying game art at Game Academy
- studying comics as Comic School
- searching for work abroad (preferably near Amsterdam ;P)
In case of studying I can only gather enough interest to study something creative, yet productive. The GameAcademy seems perfect in this aspect, since game art is probably more in demand than a graphic novel. I'm not really worried about the market. It has been shown that during financial lows, people need entertainment (and an escape) more than ever.
My mom's prognose of the situation is that now is the best time to study, and that in maybe two years there'll be more jobs available. The game art education is two years.
If I was to get a decent job, I would likely be forced to look abroad. The unemployed ratio is lower in Amsterdam, or so Diederik tells me. I have to wait at least a month before I see him again, and it is an unbearable thought.
So in short, to answer the question about my autumn: Either I will have a two year education going on, with steady money and hopefully another place to live. Or I will be running around in Amsterdam, trying to get job and a place to live there.
It depends really on where I get accepted.
Postat av: Alexandra
Jag har en ny blogg. Check it out, girlfriend! :*