Weekend.. how boring.

The weekend is almost over, and I can't help but longing for monday.

I never did go out yesterday, I sat in and finished Hanteringen av odöda while eating soft orange cakes (of course there's chocolate on them).
Feels weird now on the weekend when I'm not working, but still live and eat in the family's house. Feel like a leech. But I know I'm here under certain agreements, and one of them is that I'm free during the weekend. But I still keep the kids calm before and during dinner and clean up after myself. However I do nothing else for them.

I didn't do much today either. Too rainy for another walk in the forest or the central parts of this suburb.
As a matter of fact, all I've done today is pärlplattor, some drawing and reading The Phantom.  At least yesterday I watched Wallace and Gromit.

However I'm not unhappy.
I realized today that the country I'm in is famous for:

I'm basically in Paradise. Except for the weather.
But the book yesterday made me a bit homesick. I long for monday cause then the shops are open, and I got something to do.
I only brought two pairs of jeans with me (what was I thinking?) and ONE pair of shoes (again, what WAS I thinking?), so I clearly need to go shopping.
Off to sleep now, early morning tomorrow.

Postat av: Ted

Om tre veckor, säger min Palantír mig att den helgen ska bli superrolig, med massa Batman ;)


There is no remedy for love but to love more.

2008-09-08 @ 11:32:36
URL: http://blog.chilibow.com

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