Tourist or terrorist?

Today's been interesting.

I was released from all my morning duties, such as taking the 2 year old to kindergarten, and instead given a special assignment: To await the delivery of a computer.
So I ate a huge breakfast (man, I really love suburban homes with several fridges) and cruised on the internet. Also managed to get a skype account.
Now, this computer was a Dell, and to be delievered from L'easy. Every swede who has watched tv in the last 5 years knows that PETER delievers everything from L'easy, but this isn't Sweden. At around eleven the bell rang, and there stood Pieter and Dieter, with nice shaving and nice posture and looked like they just emerged from Hitler jugend.
They made me sign an electronic note and it looked terrible cause I didn't write hard enough.
After that (and messing around, inspecting the house and finally doing some house work) I called the mother and informed her that the package had been delievered.
My new task was to buy myself a month card for the metro/bus but this showed to be impossible. Too many people stood in line, so I'll try again tomorrow morning.
My new phone lacks a SIM card, so I can't use it, and so my only way of contacting the mother was by walking into the building for European Commission and tell the receptionist that I needed to borrow a phone to call the mother of children whos father was working in the building I was standing in.
I didn't even have to finish my sentence, I was immedeatly shown to a phone. People are so helpful here.
After that I bought a waffle for lunch (tasty indeed!) and picked up the kids. It was the first time I did it alone so I had to tell the guards (yes, guards, this a very high security kindergarten) and show them my passport etc.
I had made sure a few days ago that I was in the database (of those allowed to pick up kids) so after a little searching they found my name and let me get the kids.
We went to the park and they played for an hour or more and it was rather nice.
They behave rather well.

And I've learned how to ride with a baby & baby carriage in an escalator. It's difficult as hell, but I got the skills. And sometimes the escalators are broke. That's when the real trouble begins. But people are so goddamn nice here, EVERY person that walks by offers to help lifting the carriage up/down. An old lady apologized for not being strong enough to carry it for me. The next person, a 40 something man immedeatly helped me out.

I still like it here.
Getting up at 7 generally and tomorrow isn't an exception. So, nighty night!

Postat av: Ted

Was their names really Pieter & Dieter? :P

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.


Love is like a piece of art work, even the smallest bit can be so beautiful...

2008-09-02 @ 23:46:05
Postat av: Ozzy

lol äg sneela brysselianer ^^

2008-09-08 @ 18:09:01

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