Je suis Suedois.. typ

Had my first french lesson today. Those of you who know me well will not be surprised to hear I was late. I had forgotten my application at home and had to run home and get it.
And also I couldn't find the right street. According to my map I should get closest by taking the metro to the station called Louise, walk out on Avenue Louise and turn right after Galerie Louise. But I couldn't find my avenue and had to walk for a while before I found my school. I found the room I was supposed to be in and sneaked in. I looked at the surprised faces looking back at me and the teacher made a gesture for me to quietly take a seat.
I did.
Some kind of self introduction game was combined with learning the (phonetic) alphabet.
The lessons are entirely held in french. While this might seem stupid (since none of us know it) consider the alternatives. Us students are from all over the world. French is all we got in common.
The girls to my left is from Poland and the girl to my right is from Bangladesh or something.
I'm probably top three youngest in the class room and the teacher looks like an older version of Sidney Fox from Relic Hunters. She's very nice too. A bit like Stephania, but I doubt this one will cry when someone says/sings "sage nein!".

After class I picked up the kids, took them home and prepared dinner. Cause Monday = Ravioli Day.
And for the first time, tonight I was completely alone with the kids from dinner and onwards. I had to bathe the youngest one and put both to bed. The youngest was trying to scream her lungs out when her mom went to a parental meeeting. I washed her, but as I dried her she surrendered and turned into atleast an empty shell of her true happy self. Hard to believe that a litle girl can hold so much power in her lungs.
Her brother helped out alot ansd as a reward I let him play computer games.
And after a hard day's work I reward myself with a bit of Internet myself.
Good night to you all.
Ps. I'm going to Sweden at the end of Octobe for sissy's birthday.. Just need to get tickets. And soon I'm off to London (woho, Camden Market and the Museum of Nature Science!)

me (looking like a koala) and berlaymont, the commission's headquarter

Postat av: Mr. Boyfriend

Já, gjårde opp en eld för daj, å nu brinner heila skougen! :D

2008-09-16 @ 01:00:44
Postat av: Anonym

lollo in sweden isn't normal

but on her sis' birthday it is

äg då har max hamburgare öppnat XD

har hittat en åsum butik i london (dvs butik som har >2 saker som jag absolut vill ha)

2008-09-17 @ 01:42:25
Postat av: Ozzy


2008-09-17 @ 01:42:53

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