A r r i v i d e r c i
I am so not ready for this... Have barely packed yet..
But I'm going to Rome tomorrow morning! Just emptied my camera so I'll bring back many pictures..
Btw, doing really good on finishing that list! I'll tell you more next time!
G o a l s
A short one today.
Appearantly Sweden won over Holland in football and we are now ready for european championship. I estimate that about 5 people saw that coming, the christian trinity included. I only thought of this because of today's headline. That's how I blog. I decide loosely what I wanna write about, and usually settle a title. Then I start writing about it and usually end up very far from it.
Like now! Maybe this will still be short, maybe not, oh the suspension is killing me!
So. I have goals now, and why keep them on some green postit on my door when I could just tell the world by writing here.

God and man touching eachother. In post its.
Today I've been mostly listening to agressive drum n bass with vibes of trance.
Two songs stood out though.
DJ Entity - Stargazer
Björk - All is full of love (Chris.su remix)
Here's the original Björk song, I'll never forget this spellbinding, touching and technologically impressive, old video.
Appearantly Sweden won over Holland in football and we are now ready for european championship. I estimate that about 5 people saw that coming, the christian trinity included. I only thought of this because of today's headline. That's how I blog. I decide loosely what I wanna write about, and usually settle a title. Then I start writing about it and usually end up very far from it.
Like now! Maybe this will still be short, maybe not, oh the suspension is killing me!
So. I have goals now, and why keep them on some green postit on my door when I could just tell the world by writing here.
- Draw more. Maybe do more online drawing contests like those at ConceptArts forums. And I need to finish more drawings! Many of them are abandoned after some time.
- Create a virtual scetchbook on said ConceptArt website. For my own sake, to see how I develop.
- Read more! I just joined GoodReads.com and it's really good when you read alot and you cant remember what you thought of a certain book. You can also get recommendations and share book reviews with friends and so on. Add me, my username there is Luni. I challanged myself there to read 10 books in 2011 (with only 2 months left it may seem optimistic but I have already read a few books during the summer, and I read fast. But this requires that I...)
- Finish reading The Silmarillion! The book is one of the hardest books I've ever read. Reading Thousand and one nights at the age of 9 was nothing compared to this. Three names for all the characters. Three names for all important trees and hills and mountains and... I'm bad with names. I'm at page 166 out of 332 though, so it is not hopeless. I will not fail! Now that I think about it, I remember refusing to read The Hobbit as a 9-year old. It was a graphic novel and had an ugly cover.
- Make an enitirely new website for my artsy stuff, to be used as both portfolio and gallery. Much help needed for this one, but I'm sure someone'll help.
- Save money. This I am good at. In all games with resources I do quite well. I loooove Monopoly! My only expenses at the moment are food, rent and bus card. I got a huge heap of clothes from my mom and my sister, and I already had so much clothes that I sorted out many of mine, to sell or charity. If anyone reading this wants cheap but nice (women's) clothes and wants to have a look, let me know. Got two full bags of everything. So...
- Get rid of clothes I don't use. Sort more clothes!
- Finish my friend's logo. I did a logo for another friend recently with good results. Curious how this one will turn out.
- Mentally prepare for a weekend in Rome! What do I do? What do I wear?

God and man touching eachother. In post its.
Today I've been mostly listening to agressive drum n bass with vibes of trance.
Two songs stood out though.
DJ Entity - Stargazer
Björk - All is full of love (Chris.su remix)
Here's the original Björk song, I'll never forget this spellbinding, touching and technologically impressive, old video.
R e c o l l e c t i o n
So today we're going back in time and space, to my visit in Germany.
To not have to upload a million pics, I made a collage of some of the important events!
Click to enlarge it!

To not have to upload a million pics, I made a collage of some of the important events!
Click to enlarge it!

At the top is the pretty little bar of chocolate that you get everytime you fly Swiss air. Very charming! And clouds, the clouds are very fluffy in Switzerland!
We found a viking boat rocking back and forth, we rode it to many exotic and confusing destinations.
And we used storage boxes at the Stuttgart central station for my bags but I forgot to take out my camera so I couldn't take any pics until we went to collect the bags again.
In the middle is the castle.
To the right is the little river that runs outside the city wall of Villingen. We arrived some time after sunrise, so the light was beautiful. Old buildings were all around, and the city gates and trees were old too.
We went to a far away store on saturday, and their sign says KNÜLLER-SAMSTAG. The german language.. is really something. And I was surprised that hardly anyone outside the hotel spoke english. Because they dub all their tv and movies, I guess.
The seeds are stuff we were served after a delicious meal at an Indian restaurant. The owner was really friendly, even knew some english. We ate some stews, mine was veggie of course. I've noticed that Indian restaurants always have ALOT of vegetarian dishes.
We also got a non-alcoholic mango snaps after. The seeds were meant to improve your digestation and tasted mostly like salmiak.
That little entry house was so pretty I had to stop and investigate it. It was like something from a fairytale, or the Moomin books. I required many photos of it.
Last picture is when I was drinking from a drinking fountain in the street, the morning I arrived.
And that concludes my trip to Germany. Will probably do the same for all the remaining USA photos and stories..
Tonight: Dinner with mom and her parents, and then beer with darling Sandra. She's in town just over the weekend so I'm taking all I can get.
We found a viking boat rocking back and forth, we rode it to many exotic and confusing destinations.
And we used storage boxes at the Stuttgart central station for my bags but I forgot to take out my camera so I couldn't take any pics until we went to collect the bags again.
In the middle is the castle.
To the right is the little river that runs outside the city wall of Villingen. We arrived some time after sunrise, so the light was beautiful. Old buildings were all around, and the city gates and trees were old too.
We went to a far away store on saturday, and their sign says KNÜLLER-SAMSTAG. The german language.. is really something. And I was surprised that hardly anyone outside the hotel spoke english. Because they dub all their tv and movies, I guess.
The seeds are stuff we were served after a delicious meal at an Indian restaurant. The owner was really friendly, even knew some english. We ate some stews, mine was veggie of course. I've noticed that Indian restaurants always have ALOT of vegetarian dishes.
We also got a non-alcoholic mango snaps after. The seeds were meant to improve your digestation and tasted mostly like salmiak.
That little entry house was so pretty I had to stop and investigate it. It was like something from a fairytale, or the Moomin books. I required many photos of it.
Last picture is when I was drinking from a drinking fountain in the street, the morning I arrived.
And that concludes my trip to Germany. Will probably do the same for all the remaining USA photos and stories..
Tonight: Dinner with mom and her parents, and then beer with darling Sandra. She's in town just over the weekend so I'm taking all I can get.
Today's songs:
Amadou & Mariam - Sabali
Petter feat. Säkert - Logiskt
Amadou & Mariam - Sabali
Petter feat. Säkert - Logiskt