O l d f a s h i o n e d
Back in Malmö, to the old routines, school and cleaning my room.
School is as confusing as ever, got a new teacher ad she can't really explain. She confuses things and then thinks out loud trying to straighten it out. I am one big question mark during lectures. Good thing I bought the book, hopefully I will (open it) understand that better.
And apperantly I was 2 points from passing my test. Looks like I have to redo it :(
I've got this fix idea, about starting to learn how to sew. Clothes, accessories etc. But above all things, I want to make this little hat, sort of a cocktail hat to wear at the highest point of the head.

Today I've been cleaning my room, something that keeps my mind off things. I've been oing it for a while but now it feels like I'm getting somewhere (I can finally see the floor and vacuum clean it!).
Mom said that next sunday she'll call a realtor for an estimate of what this place is worth. This doesn't mean she's going to sell it now and that I'm on my own but I need a plan for future living. But that depends on my autumn, where I end up.
Happy news is that Cornelia is coming home soon. Just 11 days left. I missed her so much.
School is as confusing as ever, got a new teacher ad she can't really explain. She confuses things and then thinks out loud trying to straighten it out. I am one big question mark during lectures. Good thing I bought the book, hopefully I will (open it) understand that better.
And apperantly I was 2 points from passing my test. Looks like I have to redo it :(
I've got this fix idea, about starting to learn how to sew. Clothes, accessories etc. But above all things, I want to make this little hat, sort of a cocktail hat to wear at the highest point of the head.

Today I've been cleaning my room, something that keeps my mind off things. I've been oing it for a while but now it feels like I'm getting somewhere (I can finally see the floor and vacuum clean it!).
Mom said that next sunday she'll call a realtor for an estimate of what this place is worth. This doesn't mean she's going to sell it now and that I'm on my own but I need a plan for future living. But that depends on my autumn, where I end up.
Happy news is that Cornelia is coming home soon. Just 11 days left. I missed her so much.
A higher place
Hey again. I just felt like making the world a better place without spending anything (but the power to my computer).
And so can you.
Visit these sites where you can click and learn stuff while contributing to charity. I know these links are as old as the internet, but maybe someone out there forgot them or didn't know about them. I try to click as often as I remember.
Not alot of people know this, but I'm interested in the environment. I'm a member of Greenpeace and I hope humankind is smart enough to keep the rainforest intact for another century. And I hope that companies around the Baltic sea will eventually stop dumping their waste in it. I feel a bit naive in this, but hey, prove me wrong and visit the links:
A great site where just a single click is enough to donate (someone else's) money. Note that they have the same idea with other issues as well, at the top of the site you can pick your cause, or all of them. Example of causes are famine, breast cancer etc.
Just as good idea. You play games with a subject of your choice (math, geography, art, english vocabulary etc) and for every right answer you donate (once again, with someone else's means) 10 grains of rice to starving people. It's fun and you learn things, so you forget that you're contributing to charity.
With this said, I just want to spread the awesome news that Röyksopp is coming to Roskilde Festival 2009!!
Today's song:
The Knife - You make me like charity
Röyksopp - What else is there?
Röyksopp - Poor Leno
Röyksopp - So easy
(just old music, I know, but it's good)
And so can you.
Visit these sites where you can click and learn stuff while contributing to charity. I know these links are as old as the internet, but maybe someone out there forgot them or didn't know about them. I try to click as often as I remember.
Not alot of people know this, but I'm interested in the environment. I'm a member of Greenpeace and I hope humankind is smart enough to keep the rainforest intact for another century. And I hope that companies around the Baltic sea will eventually stop dumping their waste in it. I feel a bit naive in this, but hey, prove me wrong and visit the links:
A great site where just a single click is enough to donate (someone else's) money. Note that they have the same idea with other issues as well, at the top of the site you can pick your cause, or all of them. Example of causes are famine, breast cancer etc.
Just as good idea. You play games with a subject of your choice (math, geography, art, english vocabulary etc) and for every right answer you donate (once again, with someone else's means) 10 grains of rice to starving people. It's fun and you learn things, so you forget that you're contributing to charity.
With this said, I just want to spread the awesome news that Röyksopp is coming to Roskilde Festival 2009!!
Today's song:
The Knife - You make me like charity
Röyksopp - What else is there?
Röyksopp - Poor Leno
Röyksopp - So easy
(just old music, I know, but it's good)
I changed the colors again. As usual, let me know if you refuse to read with these.
Back in Amsterdam! I've been here since uhm.. thursday now.
This is my well deserved vacation, and I'm really glad I got away. I'm not sure how my test went, I'll know when I get back,I suppose.
And I had my birthday the day before the test. It was nice, and I have still more gifts to recieve. I guess it's my duty to have a party in order to get them :P I'm coming home on tuesday morning by the way.
An interesting thing is that all dutch people ask me the same thing, that appearantly bothered them for years. Why are swedish matches called "Tändstickor"? Are they refering to toothpickers? (Tand = tooth in dutch and swedish). I explained the importance of the double dots in the letter ä (tänd means 'to lighten' or 'ignite').
And I have also now been outside the city. We went to a party so far from the city core that we ended up being outside Amsterdam, in a small city called Diemen.
I just wanted you to know that I'm alive and that I didn't get lost on the way here (but the train broke down on the way so it was a close call!).
And I gotta do some more drawings for my portfolio to send to Comic School and Game Academy. Need Adam's opinions also.
Oh well, nighty night, I'm off to watch Skins until I fall asleep.

This is my well deserved vacation, and I'm really glad I got away. I'm not sure how my test went, I'll know when I get back,I suppose.
And I had my birthday the day before the test. It was nice, and I have still more gifts to recieve. I guess it's my duty to have a party in order to get them :P I'm coming home on tuesday morning by the way.
An interesting thing is that all dutch people ask me the same thing, that appearantly bothered them for years. Why are swedish matches called "Tändstickor"? Are they refering to toothpickers? (Tand = tooth in dutch and swedish). I explained the importance of the double dots in the letter ä (tänd means 'to lighten' or 'ignite').
And I have also now been outside the city. We went to a party so far from the city core that we ended up being outside Amsterdam, in a small city called Diemen.
I just wanted you to know that I'm alive and that I didn't get lost on the way here (but the train broke down on the way so it was a close call!).
And I gotta do some more drawings for my portfolio to send to Comic School and Game Academy. Need Adam's opinions also.
Oh well, nighty night, I'm off to watch Skins until I fall asleep.

They have flowers and spring here!
dedication and drive
I'm just sitting here, instead of doing what i should - tackle my school books. I am stressed about it and I'm not sure how it'll go. But I havent panicked just yet. I grasp alot more this time and most of it make some sort of sense.
I've gotten my tickets to Amsterdam now, but next to the envelope I found an even more interesting one, from Cornelia. "The birthday girl" it says before my name and adress. I haven't opened it yet. Not until sunday. But I found a note an a drawer that I was going to give her. I should mail it to her.
And yesterday I was at the Game Academy for an information meeting, and to meet the teachers and students. It was really fun, I sat by Adam and watched him change colors on some sort of vehicle on his screen. We talked alot and he gave me a few tips, told me more about the education and promised he'd help me pick out my works for a portfolio to send in.
I am a bit excited about it.
I really gotta go study now, the entire weekend = studying time, too.
Today's songs:
Henok Achido feat Sophia Somajo - Pusher
Sophia Somajo - I-rony
The Knife - Girls' Night Out
I've gotten my tickets to Amsterdam now, but next to the envelope I found an even more interesting one, from Cornelia. "The birthday girl" it says before my name and adress. I haven't opened it yet. Not until sunday. But I found a note an a drawer that I was going to give her. I should mail it to her.
And yesterday I was at the Game Academy for an information meeting, and to meet the teachers and students. It was really fun, I sat by Adam and watched him change colors on some sort of vehicle on his screen. We talked alot and he gave me a few tips, told me more about the education and promised he'd help me pick out my works for a portfolio to send in.
I am a bit excited about it.
I really gotta go study now, the entire weekend = studying time, too.
Today's songs:
Henok Achido feat Sophia Somajo - Pusher
Sophia Somajo - I-rony
The Knife - Girls' Night Out
I can't tell you how happy I am that people still read my blog : >
I had an amazing weekend. Argued a lot at home, but I always had somewhere to flee. Friday was settled, party with my former colleagues (yes, I was still invited, despite that I quit last thursday). The party itself took place at my boss' house, but I showed up several hours after everyone else, and that seemed to be just the right time. I was there for about an hour or more, befriending people and dancing.
Then we headed to Retro, the club I always end up in without ever planning it. And for once they played really good music, a perfect mixture of electronica and hits. We sneaked in through the back door, not all of us were 20 years old yet. And none of us wanted to stand in the long line. We danced for 3 hours and my feet have rarely experienced such pain when I went home (I had for the first time in atleast a month worn high heels). All in all a great night, and a very cheap one. Only expence was 20 SEK for hanging in my coat at Retro.
Saturday was settled too, first a hot chocolate with Alexandra, which ended up in an even longer (and definitely more interesting) discussion than last time. I like.
After that I had to hurry home for food, and then rush of to my best (male) friend Oswald who had turned 21. He had an awesome party and I figured out his theme, the TV-series Skins. Once again I showed up hours too late but this seemed to be again to my advantage. I had missed a lot of people that were there and felt so happy to be reunited with them.
And speaking of reunions, I have bought tickets to Amsterdam!
8th march is my birthday
9th is my first exam for school
...and the 11th I departure in the evening to arrive in Amsterdam Centraal in the morning on the 12th. Not very certain when I will return, but after maybe a week and a half.
For all you who will eventually ask me, yes there will be a birthday party, but I dont know when. I was considering the 7th, but I'll most likely go for a date after I have returned from Amsterdam.
It is also now decided that I should apply for the Game Academy, and I'm going there on wednesday to have a look at their open house evening.
And tomorrow I'm getting a haircut. I have rather long hair now, so I told them to not make it alot shorter but to rather get volume. It's free of charge as it is a hair academy that will perform the cutting. Free is good. I'm keeping my color for now, but later on that might change too...
The past week's songs have been:
Rammstein - Stripped
White Lies - To Lose My Life
Auf wiedersehen!
I had an amazing weekend. Argued a lot at home, but I always had somewhere to flee. Friday was settled, party with my former colleagues (yes, I was still invited, despite that I quit last thursday). The party itself took place at my boss' house, but I showed up several hours after everyone else, and that seemed to be just the right time. I was there for about an hour or more, befriending people and dancing.
Then we headed to Retro, the club I always end up in without ever planning it. And for once they played really good music, a perfect mixture of electronica and hits. We sneaked in through the back door, not all of us were 20 years old yet. And none of us wanted to stand in the long line. We danced for 3 hours and my feet have rarely experienced such pain when I went home (I had for the first time in atleast a month worn high heels). All in all a great night, and a very cheap one. Only expence was 20 SEK for hanging in my coat at Retro.
Saturday was settled too, first a hot chocolate with Alexandra, which ended up in an even longer (and definitely more interesting) discussion than last time. I like.
After that I had to hurry home for food, and then rush of to my best (male) friend Oswald who had turned 21. He had an awesome party and I figured out his theme, the TV-series Skins. Once again I showed up hours too late but this seemed to be again to my advantage. I had missed a lot of people that were there and felt so happy to be reunited with them.
And speaking of reunions, I have bought tickets to Amsterdam!
8th march is my birthday
9th is my first exam for school
...and the 11th I departure in the evening to arrive in Amsterdam Centraal in the morning on the 12th. Not very certain when I will return, but after maybe a week and a half.
For all you who will eventually ask me, yes there will be a birthday party, but I dont know when. I was considering the 7th, but I'll most likely go for a date after I have returned from Amsterdam.
It is also now decided that I should apply for the Game Academy, and I'm going there on wednesday to have a look at their open house evening.
And tomorrow I'm getting a haircut. I have rather long hair now, so I told them to not make it alot shorter but to rather get volume. It's free of charge as it is a hair academy that will perform the cutting. Free is good. I'm keeping my color for now, but later on that might change too...
The past week's songs have been:
Rammstein - Stripped
White Lies - To Lose My Life
Auf wiedersehen!
Variation and Vacation
I've had one shitty week, but a great weekend! Updates will follow after I've eaten something.
To give you a cliffhanger: Two parties and I've booked tickets!
To give you a cliffhanger: Two parties and I've booked tickets!