Summarizing the Weekend
So. Busy weekend for once. Very pleasant. And a lot more social than the last one.
Friday night is au pair night. Second time I go, and I was really in the mood. Ate fancy dinner with the family before, drank some tasty wine and then headed of to church. I was an hour late, and thankfully (or maybe regretfully) missed out on a few of the silly games. I took part in one and then it was time to chill with scones and tea. Sat down next to the girl who lives in my area and the girls she's become friends with. Everyone was being nice, as always, but I didnt enjoy talking to them. They were discussing lipgloss, going to the gym (Friskis & Svettis, of all places) and trying to go through a week with no candy or snacks.
I nodded and tried to laugh at the right occasions, but felt unsuccessful.
Afterwards was the mandatory night out. All the girls get together and go somewhere. Once again we went to Celtica, the celtic place (no way, I thought it was italian?) with the cheap beer.
I had a good time, talked a little with everyone and danced and all. But. But without a "best friend" a girl gets lonely rather easily. I need closer friends or "friends". People I can call the day after too, maybe just to watch movies and eat cookies.
The girl in my area went home very early. People slowly started dropping off, and those I felt I could be myself with disappeared and reappeared an finally I felt like leaving too. Took the metro home and talked a bit to Ted before going to bed.
Saturday morning was sunny and warm. The family went out for a walk. I knew that today the Neighboor Girl (au pair living nearby) and her gang were gonna go shopping and later catch a movie. But I found out that this weekend was the Open House Day. Not really the official name, but it reveals its purpose.
This day means that most official buildings, of all sorts are open. And several museums are too, everything free of charge. I carefully chose 4 buildings I really wanted to see.
A library, a tower, a jugend building and ..tadaa! The freemasons temple here in Brussels. Very unexpected that they would open that up to the public.
I drew little maps (all four of them) on to a (single paper of) Postit, and headed out.
The library was only available to enter if you were a group, and I didnt want to wait around for others to come.
The jugend building (designed by Horta) had a huge line, and I didnt want to wait in that either.
I was close to Schuman, and close to Schuman is one of those Thriumph Archs. I thought I should see that one instead and headed that way.
When passing Berlaymont (where the European Comission has its headquarter) I took a few touristy pics of myself with the building. A woman passed and immedeatly offered to take a picture. And I accepted.
On my way to the Arch du Trioumph (now I'm just guessing random french) a duo of two men asked me to photograph them with the tall arch. I felt like being as nice as people are to me and did what they asked. After taking a few pics of the arch with my own camera I saw a guy looking rather confused and asked him to take a picture of me. He spoke english rather fluently and we started talking. He was working for some sort of embassy, for the Chechian republic (or how ever it's spelled). We talked for 30 mins or so without moving from the spot, and he asked where I was heading.
I showed him my postit and he didnt seem all that convinced. But when I mentioned the Freemasons temple he immedeatly lit up.
So we went there together.
He had appearantly done some research on them and told me plenty about them. He also spoke french, so he translated what the guides were saying.
There were signs saying "No photographing" but nobody objected when I once again lended my camera to my fellow wanderer, and he took pics of me in the grand master's chair. Pics will come soon, I promise!
I spent half a day with this man but not until we had to part was I told his name. Weird but pleasant.
I got home, watched some tv and drew a little and then went to bed.
Sunday, today, was interesting.
Bar round with my au pair family. They were paying. And this was in the afternoon.
Sunny as hell too. T shirt weather, really. Wore my Chewbacca tshirt and a skirt. And that was too much.
Discovered many nice places includig book/comic shops and cafes and bars.
Need sleep badly now
(sorry for being slow with updating, busy week)

the arch and my nameless companion sitting in the seat of all seats.
Friday night is au pair night. Second time I go, and I was really in the mood. Ate fancy dinner with the family before, drank some tasty wine and then headed of to church. I was an hour late, and thankfully (or maybe regretfully) missed out on a few of the silly games. I took part in one and then it was time to chill with scones and tea. Sat down next to the girl who lives in my area and the girls she's become friends with. Everyone was being nice, as always, but I didnt enjoy talking to them. They were discussing lipgloss, going to the gym (Friskis & Svettis, of all places) and trying to go through a week with no candy or snacks.
I nodded and tried to laugh at the right occasions, but felt unsuccessful.
Afterwards was the mandatory night out. All the girls get together and go somewhere. Once again we went to Celtica, the celtic place (no way, I thought it was italian?) with the cheap beer.
I had a good time, talked a little with everyone and danced and all. But. But without a "best friend" a girl gets lonely rather easily. I need closer friends or "friends". People I can call the day after too, maybe just to watch movies and eat cookies.
The girl in my area went home very early. People slowly started dropping off, and those I felt I could be myself with disappeared and reappeared an finally I felt like leaving too. Took the metro home and talked a bit to Ted before going to bed.
Saturday morning was sunny and warm. The family went out for a walk. I knew that today the Neighboor Girl (au pair living nearby) and her gang were gonna go shopping and later catch a movie. But I found out that this weekend was the Open House Day. Not really the official name, but it reveals its purpose.
This day means that most official buildings, of all sorts are open. And several museums are too, everything free of charge. I carefully chose 4 buildings I really wanted to see.
A library, a tower, a jugend building and ..tadaa! The freemasons temple here in Brussels. Very unexpected that they would open that up to the public.
I drew little maps (all four of them) on to a (single paper of) Postit, and headed out.
The library was only available to enter if you were a group, and I didnt want to wait around for others to come.
The jugend building (designed by Horta) had a huge line, and I didnt want to wait in that either.
I was close to Schuman, and close to Schuman is one of those Thriumph Archs. I thought I should see that one instead and headed that way.
When passing Berlaymont (where the European Comission has its headquarter) I took a few touristy pics of myself with the building. A woman passed and immedeatly offered to take a picture. And I accepted.
On my way to the Arch du Trioumph (now I'm just guessing random french) a duo of two men asked me to photograph them with the tall arch. I felt like being as nice as people are to me and did what they asked. After taking a few pics of the arch with my own camera I saw a guy looking rather confused and asked him to take a picture of me. He spoke english rather fluently and we started talking. He was working for some sort of embassy, for the Chechian republic (or how ever it's spelled). We talked for 30 mins or so without moving from the spot, and he asked where I was heading.
I showed him my postit and he didnt seem all that convinced. But when I mentioned the Freemasons temple he immedeatly lit up.
So we went there together.
He had appearantly done some research on them and told me plenty about them. He also spoke french, so he translated what the guides were saying.
There were signs saying "No photographing" but nobody objected when I once again lended my camera to my fellow wanderer, and he took pics of me in the grand master's chair. Pics will come soon, I promise!
I spent half a day with this man but not until we had to part was I told his name. Weird but pleasant.
I got home, watched some tv and drew a little and then went to bed.
Sunday, today, was interesting.
Bar round with my au pair family. They were paying. And this was in the afternoon.
Sunny as hell too. T shirt weather, really. Wore my Chewbacca tshirt and a skirt. And that was too much.
Discovered many nice places includig book/comic shops and cafes and bars.
Need sleep badly now
(sorry for being slow with updating, busy week)

the arch and my nameless companion sitting in the seat of all seats.
Postat av: Ted
Long post, me like.
But where are the pictures? We want pictures! :)
Postat av: sandi
pictures, oh yes we want!
btw, i don't like noubas lipgloss, it's too sticky..
Postat av: Ted
Mhm, my Koala-sence that I got since that mutated super Koala bit me in the lab, tells me that pictures are coming real soon... mhm, now I gotta go get some Eucalyptus leaves and get stoned..
Party on mate.